Outdoor Fitness Parks
Finding good places to exercise can make the difference between sticking to your workout routine or throwing in the towel. Gym memberships always rise at the beginning of the year however a couple of months into it, people often lose interest and attendance dwindle or they just stop going entirely. Perhaps having an outdoor venue can restore their desire to engage in regular physical activity. With an open environment, fresh air and green space all around, it is the choice of many exercise enthusiasts.
Many communities are working to promote physical health by adding fitness equipments in specific area at local parks.
Most parks already have several exercise stations mostly along a walking or jogging path. There you can stop, follow the instructions posted and proceed with the exercise at hand. Afterward walking to the next exercise station until you have completed all or most of them. Most stations include basic stretching, balance walking, sit up, push up and pull up exercises.
Some parks go even further and have installed well defined fitness area for teenagers and adults with specific exercise equipment. There you will find several with adjustable intensity levels including elliptical machines, chess press, exercise bikes, air walker, stepper, sit down leg stretcher, arm wheel, leg lift and many others.
Most outdoor exercise equipment are also wheelchair accessible. Usually the area underfoot can be paved or they may use rubber tiles, turf or some kind of sand base. Some may even offer shaded covering to protect against
the elements which is needed here in south Florida especially during the summer months. The trend for these outdoor fitness parks has grown in recent years as the demand from the public increases.
Not having to pay for gym membership and having access to numerous exercise equipment is definitely of major benefit to the public. Sometimes, people will feel intimidated working out at their local gym and an outdoor fitness park is a enjoyable alternative. Bring a water bottle, a towel and meet with friends, workout as a group and have a great overall outdoor fitness experience.
Check out the Outdoor Fitness Zone at John Prince Park in Lake Worth.
Whether you are just starting out on an exercise routine or are looking to maintain a certain level of physical activity, look to your local parks for an easy, affordable and accessible place for better health and wellness.